Moderator Training Course

What will I be qualified as once I’ve completed this course?

Moderators are there to ensure that assessments have been carried out in an appropriate, valid, fair and sufficient way. They do this by conducting performance reviews on assessors, the assessment instrument utilised during assessment and they engage learners who were not satisfied with their assessment results. These components are evaluated and investigated; then feedback is given accordingly. This process helps to resolve any challenges which might arise from the assessment process.

What will I be able to do?

Work in any industry that is related to your area of expertise and be allowed to moderate the assessments that were conducted. You will audit the quality of the assessments and ensure that the assessor has conducted them in a fair and consistent manner. You will ensure that best practices are used at all times.

In which industries will I be able to work?

In any industry where your expertise lies and the education sector is always looking for passionate people that are competent in making judgement decisions with regard to assessment practices and that pay attention to detail.

What could I do to further improve my skills and my chances of furthering my career?

Be able to make judgement decisions and be an individual that pays attention to detail.


Lesson 1: Demonstrate understanding of moderation within the context of an outcomes-based assessment system
  • Moderation Definition
  • Moderation Methods
  • Key principles of assessment
  • Moderation activities
Lesson 2: Plan and prepare for moderation
  • Planning and preparation activities
  • Scope of moderation
  • Extend of moderation
  • Moderation methods and process
  • Documents preparation
  • Physical and human resources
Lesson 3: Conduct moderation
  • Principles of good assessment
  • Moderation confirmation
  • Quality assurance body
  • Appeals against assessment
  • Moderation decision
Lesson 4: Advise and support assessors
  • Nature and Quality of advice
  • Quality of advice to promote assessment
  • Further development of assessor
  • Confidentiality requirements
Lesson 5: Report, record and administer moderation
  • Moderation findings
  • Records
Lesson 6: Review moderation system and processes
  • Strengths and weakness of moderation system
  • Recommendation
  • Review
Unit Standard Alignment
  • US 115759, Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments, NQF 6, 10 credits

Credits obtained during this skills programme will contribute towards qualification:

  • 50334, NC: Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices, NQF Level 6.
  • 50331, NC: Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices, NQF Level 5.
Delivery Method

The programme is facilitated by a competent subject matter specialist/s, who utilises the following techniques to ensure that the session is practical and experiential:

  • Discussion
  • Role play
  • Exercises and Case Studies
  • Simulation
  • Videos/DVD’s
  • Learner Assessment
Language of delivery


  • Upon completion, the learner will receive an iCALC Training Academy Certificate of Attendance.
  • Upon verified Competence, the learner will receive a Certificate of Competence from the ETDP SETA.
Accreditation and Registration