Can I study without matric?

Yes, you can start an Engineering course without Grade 12.

You will have to do engineering bridging courses first.


Is your private college funded by NSFAS funding? 

No, private TVET Colleges are not allowed to use NSFAS funding.


What are the requirements for business studies?

The requirements are a Matric/Grade 12 Pass with English.


Is the college private or public?

The College is a private institution.


How do I register?

Bring all your Fica documents, ID, highest qualification and proof of address.

Then you complete a registration form.

You then complete a DOE form for exams.

We then put you in our record system and issue an invoice.


Where are you located?

We are at the Corner of Elizabeth and Ryk Street CBD

Absa Building, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Floor

Welkom, Free State, South Africa


Is there a payment plan?

Yes, come and see our finance department to work out a payment plan.


How will I know when the results are out?

Each candidate will receive an sms or email when the final results are made available.

Test or assignment results are available 5 days after moderation took place.

 You can access your results by phoning reception, on Studentwyze, or request it from the lecturer.


Do you offer Study Loans?

No unfortunately not, but your banks could assist you.


Are you accredited?

Yes, we are accredited by the DHET (Department of Higher Education and Training), UMALUSI, ICDL, ICB, ETDP SETA and Sage as well as Cisco.


Do you offer bursaries?

We do not offer bursaries.


Can foreign citizens study at iCalc?

 Yes, you can if you have all the required information that is needed.


What do you require from a foreign student to study at iCalc?

Your passport, highest qualification, proof of address and a payment plan.



Do you offer distance learning?

Yes, we do offer correspondence learning. You’ll have to be present at the college to write internal exams and department final exams for business studies.


What happens during loadshedding when there are classes?

Either classes continue or are rescheduled as needed.

We have a generator for emergencies like exams.


Is your computer and IT courses accredited?

Yes. We are accredited with CISCO and ICDL and Department of Higher Education and Training for computer subjects in diploma courses.


What times can I register in the year?

You may register throughout the year.

Classes however start at specific times:

January and July for Business studies.

January, April and August for Engineering Studies.

You can also register throughout the year for the next Semester/Trimester. Registration for computer qualifications will vary.


How will I receive my assignments?

You will either get it by hand at the College or via email.

You can also check it on the Studentwyze app.

 It will be communicated to you via your lecturer.


Can you tell me more about ICDL course?

Digital Citizen Plus is specially developed as an introduction to the ICDL Basic Modules, to cater for candidates who have very little experience of computers and the Internet.


Digital Citizen Plus helps to remove the fear of using a computer for beginners by using a simple, non-threatening approach to educating individuals in the basic skills of using a computer, email, and the Internet.


The full ICDL course is more complex and builds upon Digital Citizen Plus.


Designed to build the critical digital skills of the modern workplace, ICDL is a tiered programme that will help employees with effective use of technology.


For more information:

ICDL Programmes – ICDL Global

Do you have Auto Electrician?

Yes we do.